Food Allergies & Dietary Disabilities

District 70 Special Dietary Needs Procedure:

The District 70 Nutrition Services Department is notified of special dietary need and/or allergy. The information regarding the dietary need and/or allergy is then provided to Brian Axworthy or D70 NS Admin Team. The following information is required at this time: student’s name, school, parent/guardian contact information (including email), and any information related to special dietary needs.  NS Admin or School Nurse provides Medical Statement for Dietary Disability - School Meal Modification form to the parent/guardian. The parent is then responsible to ensure the form is fully completed and signed by a licensed medical authority (Doctor of Medicine or Osteopathy, Nurse Practitioner and Physician’s Assistant).  Paperwork should be returned Brian Axworthy or D70 NS Admin.  If paperwork is not complete, it will be returned to the parent/guardian.  Brian Axworthy or the D70 NS Admin Team creates a meal plan with reasonable accommodations (CDE may be contacted for clarification) using allergen-free templates that are created to follow each regular menu. The allergen-free menus will then be emailed to the parent for approval.   Once approved, the modified meal plan will be implemented within three school days.


The following paperwork must be filled out completely before any meal modifications will be made:

Medical Statement for Dietary Disability - School Meal Modification

District 70 Will:

  • Make meal modifications (substitutions) prescribed by a licensed medical authority to accommodate a dietary disability based on a medical statement completed and signed by a licensed medical authority (Doctor of Medicine or Osteopathy, Nurse Practitioner and Physician’s Assistant).  
  • Make modifications (substitutions) for students as called for in their Section 504 or an IEP plans as it pertains to dietary needs.  

 District 70 Does Not:
  • Make meal modifications (substitutions) prescribed by a medical authority due to a food allergy/intolerance or other medical condition that does not rise to the level of a disability.  
In this case, District 70 Nutrition Services will provide nutrition information regarding ingredients in menu items specific to the student’s allergy or intolerance.  This information is available on our website and is updated as needed: Parents/guardian should work with the student to decide which foods on the menu are appropriate meal choices and when it might be beneficial for the student to bring a lunch from home.   We have a variety of menu options which alone can help in accommodating allergies.  With our “offer vs. serve” menu serving concept students can decline a certain number of food items in a meal which can also help to accommodate students and their special dietary needs simply by omitting an item from their tray.
  • Make substitutions for fluid cow’s milk due to a non-dietary disability food allergy or intolerance or for other reasons.

Menu Modifications:

For dietary disabilities: a modified menu is created as needed.
A copy is given to the kitchen,  the parent and  the School Nurse, as appropriate.

For other special dietary needs such as a food allergy/intolerance or other medical conditions that do not rise to the level of a disability,   District 70 Nutrition Services Department will provide nutrition information regarding ingredients in menu items specific to the student’s allergy or intolerance.  This information is available on our website or by request and is updated as needed. Parents/guardian should work with the student to decide which foods on the menu are appropriate meal choices and when it might be beneficial for the student to bring a lunch from home.

Record Keeping:

Nutrition Services:  Original copy of all completed medical paperwork Copy of modified menu Maintain spreadsheet containing all students with Special Dietary needs
Kitchen  Copy of modified menu for each student.

Important Notes:

  • Meal modifications cannot be implemented until current and completed medical paperwork is received and reviewed.  A modified menu will be created as needed that will be distributed to both the kitchen and the parent.
  • In order to discontinue a special diet the Discontinuation of School Meal Modifications form must be filled out by the appropriate medical authority, given to the RDN, and filed at the Nutrition Services office.
  • For more information about special dietary needs/accommodations please visit the Nutrition Services Department page under Special Dietary Needs tab. 

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

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